Betty Center — Inspiring Women

Growing up as the middle of three sisters, I learned very quickly how to voice my opinions as loud and as often as necessary. I was raised by two of the most selfless and wonderful women I have ever met, my mother and dad’s mom. My mom is outspoken, confident, independent and with the risk of sounding a little millennial - I’d even call her a badass. My Grandma, however, had a different type of influence on me. She lived with my family until I was about fourteen. I would always get the same question from my friends, “Isn’t it annoying to have someone always around? You’re never left home alone.” Although, at the age of twelve being home alone was just about the coolest thing ever, no, it never bothered me. My grandma was graceful, classy, and gave me a different perspective on life than I had learned from most of my family. She taught me how to quietly observe a situation, and read a room. She was able to perfectly decipher when to mind her business or speak up at someone’s wrong doings. Above all, she valued her faith and relationship with God deeply and reminded me often that there was someone above us. 

When I was little, I was the firecracker of the family. Various extended family members and friends that I barely knew or hadn’t spoken more than a few words to would make remarks like, “What are your grades like? You must be one hell of an athlete just like your mom!” They would do it with a passive aggressive giggle in the midst of the question to try and lighten the mood, but I knew it was intended as a dig. Because of my outspoken nature, I was seemingly less intelligent than my quiet and more reserved older sister. And if I wasn’t getting straight A’s, then the only other option was to be a great athlete, because I had to be exceptional at something… right? The truth is, school was really hard for me, not just academically. As I grew up and into my personality, I felt the societal pressures to be the girl that everyone wanted as their friend. The “it girl.” As adolecent women, we’re taught to be outspoken, but not controversial. We’re supposed to dress modestly, but not prudish. Oh, and we’re supposed to get male attention, but not too much that we create a reputation for ourselves. 

Exhausting, right?

So how did I overcome these barriers? The truth is, I haven’t. I’m a 21 year old college woman who still struggles with self identity and worth and that is completely normal. 

Well-behaved women seldom make history.”Harvard Professor Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. 

Although mainstream, this quote has stuck with me since the day I read off of my third grade teacher’s coffee mug. I’m able to look at historic and current inspirational women to remind me that mistakes and victories are equally important in our path to success. 


What is Group Therapy Like?


Life Lessons Courtesy of Lovely Rita