Motherhood and Mental Health: Finding Balance
Motherhood is undeniably transformative, but it also brings its fair share of overwhelming challenges. When you're consumed with caring for a newborn, toddler, or young children (cringing as I type this, remembering those terrible 2s and trying 3s), it becomes all too easy to lose sight of who you are outside of being a mom. As the years go by, it becomes even easier to lose yourself in the constant act of meeting everyone else’s needs. You find yourself juggling so many roles—caregiver, teacher, taxi driver, coach, PTO volunteer, chef, housekeeper, emotional support—and in all of that, where do YOU fit?
Dealing with Divorce | Heartbreak & Finances
Divorce can be a lengthy process that may strain your finances and leave you feeling out of control. But with the right preparation, you can protect your interests, take charge of your future, and save yourself time and money. You certainly never expected divorce when you cut the wedding cake; you and your spouse planned on spending the rest of your lives together. Unfortunately, the fairy tale didn’t work out, and you’re headed for a divorce. So when do you begin?
Raising Awareness – Invisible Disabilities
A basic definition for Invisible Disability is a mental, physical, or neurological disability that is not immediately evident to others. The list of what can be included is expansive, so rather than share a top ten, I encourage taking a peek at the websites listed at the end of this blog.
These will give you facts and percentages, so that I can simply share some anecdotes, loving suggestions, and a basic glimpse into what has been supportive in my experience.
Depression and Mental Health Awareness Month
This is a good time to bring awareness to Depression and Mental Health and I want to spend some time shedding light and bringing awareness to how Depression disproportionately affects women across all cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
What is Group Therapy Like?
The value of being part of a sympathetic group process – whether a therapy group or a support group – is evident in numerous ways. Being in a room with other individuals also striving for wellness, who are experiencing a similar life situation, provides a unique sense of reassurance. We feel seen and heard, we feel “normal”, and this piece of our healing is enormously effective.
Betty Center — Inspiring Women
“Well-behaved women seldom make history.”- Harvard Professor Laurel Thatcher Ulrich.
Although mainstream, this quote has stuck with me since the day I read off of my third grade teacher’s coffee mug. I’m able to look at historic and current inspirational women to remind me that mistakes and victories are equally important in our path to success.
Life Lessons Courtesy of Lovely Rita
I had the remarkable good fortune to spend my 1970s childhood growing up less than a mile from my maternal grandmother, Hazel Rita. Quite possibly the most empathic human being I’ve ever known, my grandmother was an avid crocheter, voracious reader, art lover, and impassioned college basketball fan.
Bettianne — Our Betty Center Inspiration
She was a role model who started as a fashion model. A beauty queen who became beautiful not just for her appearance but for her moral conscience, determination and devotion to her faith, flag and family. With her spirit alive in me - and my own daughter (her grandaughter) Isabel - we are proud to honor her legacy by bringing forth Betty Center.
Inviting women to nurture, explore and realize their authentic selves.