Depression and Mental Health Awareness Month

During the month of October, we notice the changing of the season from Summer to Fall, shorter days, and begin to make our plans for the upcoming holiday season. Many people have such mixed feelings about this time of year. While the shorter days, cooler temps, and thoughts of family time bring happiness and joy to some, others feel a sense of dread. Less light, less sun, less time for self care, and a schedule that begins to fill up rather quickly. 

This is a good time to bring awareness to Depression and Mental Health and by no coincidence October is Depression and Mental Health Awareness month. While the month of September brought awareness to Suicide Prevention and Maternal Mental Health, I want to spend some time shedding light and bringing awareness to how Depression disproportionately affects women across all cultural and ethnic backgrounds. 

Symptoms of Depression include (but are not limited to):

  • Anxiety

  • Trouble with sleep (too much or too little)

  • Trouble concentrating

  • Weight gain or weight loss

  • Irritability

  • Social Isolation

  • Fatigue 

  • Restlessness

  • Suicidal thoughts

So, let’s dive into the facts. According to Mental Health America National, approximately 12 million women in the United States experience clinical depression each year, with the highest prevalence in women aged 25-44. The statistics also show that women experience depression at twice the rate of men, and that girls 14-18 years old have consistently higher rates of depression than boys in the same age group. 

Why? Do women report depression more than men? Maybe. Are women more likely to seek out mental health services than men? It’s possible. However, there is more to this than that. Outside of the fact that developmental considerations play a part-I am talking about reproductive, hormonal, genetic, and other biological differences-there are MANY social factors that lead to these higher rates. 

As I have worked with women throughout my career, I have had the privilege of meeting each of them in different stages of their lives. From Elementary School through the Geriatic stage there is a common theme. Women do everything and nothing right. 

Although society is changing, with more women in the workforce, earning higher salaries, and breaking the glass ceiling, there is a give and a take. There is still less opportunity for young women to participate in STEAM programs, less funding for women’s sports, less support for mother’s, less access to reproductive care, more emphasis on getting married and having children, and more shame for those who chose a different path. Women are encouraged to be leaders, but silenced when we speak out. Women should exercise to be healthy, but shamed for making themselves a priority- and do not forget that walking alone at night is an invitation for assault because we should have known better (oh and what were we wearing when that happened?). 

The constant push and pull that women feel from society is overwhelming. We are overwhelmed. We are expected to do it all, and still can not do anything right. These statistics start to make sense when you stop to think about it. 

What is even more alarming is that when women do seek help, they are misdiagnosed roughly 30-50% of the time. Most women are told that their symptoms of depression are part of the “job”, it’s a “part of life”, and many are made to feel shame for their symptoms as if their lived experiences are not valid. 

I am here to tell you that you are valid. Your symptoms, your experiences, your feelings are so valid. Depression and the overall mental health of women and those who identify as women in our country is in crisis. You deserve to feel better, you are deserving of help. 

Awareness is one of the most important ways to bring about change. There are many resources out there to help women who are struggling and showing signs of depression or other mental health concerns. Here at the Betty Center, we are a place for women and those who identify as one. We strive to create a place of safety and security, allowing women from all walks of life to seek help, guidance, and support. If you find yourself struggling, please do not hesitate to reach out to us or another one of the resources listed below. 

Let’s continue to bring awareness to Depression and Mental Health concerns for women because it is not a part of our “job” to struggle. 


988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)

National Institute of Mental Health

Anxiety and Depression Association of America


Raising Awareness – Invisible Disabilities


What is Group Therapy Like?